PLEASE NOTE: YOU ARE ONLY SEEING SAMPLE DATA RIGHT THIS MOMENT The data you see below is SAMPLE DATA ONLY so you can see what it looks like. To view the LIVE data, you will need to run Zoe's WoT Replay Uploader (which can be downloaded HERE) in "Recent Mode" and open this page via the link on the "Mode Selection" page of the uploader. Once it has uploaded at least 1 NEW Random Battle Replay, you will automatically have access to the LIVE data for 1 hour. Click your refresh button to see the newest data (which is updated every 60 seconds). Each time a new recent "Random Battle" replay is uploaded by you, your access to the live data on this page is renewed for 1 hour, unless your IP address happens to change (for instance, if you have had to restart your router). If it does, then access to this page will be granted again, once a new replay is uploaded from your new IP address. Please Note: If you are using a "private browsing" function on your browser, that masks your IP address, you may well not be able to view the LIVE data page. This is because the server takes note of your IP address when you upload a replay, to make sure you are entitled to view the page. You must view the page from the same IP address that the Uploader is using. If you are sure you have uploaded a replay for a RANDOM Battle that took place within the last hour and feel that only seeing the sample data is a mistake, it could be there is a bug in the system. Please inform Zoe so she can take a look. Screenshots would be helpful.
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